I'm thrilled to report that there has been some progress with my brainstorming so far, and I thought I'd share some updates.
Two of my co-workers were inspired to use their talents and to share their awe


I met with Gail last week from the STAR program at the hospital to discuss getting the support group up and running again. I am super excited about this! The first support group meeting will be held Wednesday November 17 at 7:00. The group will be open to anyone who has lost a baby through miscarriage, during pregnancy, or following delivery/birth. The group will meet once a month on the third Wednesday of the month. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please don't hesitate to contact me for more information.
I have spoken with a representative from the local March of Dimes office, and we have been discussing ways for us to use our experience to educate others about Trisomy 18 and holoprosencepahly. Even the person I have been talking with admitted that she had to research Trisomy 18 after speaking with me the first time because she was not familiar with it either. There may be opportunities for us to share our story at future events and fundraisers for the March of Dimes to raise awareness.
We are continuing to brainstorm ways for fundraising for the Trisomy 18 Foundation. I have spoken with the March of Dimes as well as the Trisomy 18 Foundation, and both organizations are on board with offering support. I have also received lots of support from family and friends about this. Thanks to my sister-in-law, Beth, we are seriously considering moving forward with planning a carnival and family friendly run/walk. Obviously, we are still very much in the beginning stages of planning and things could change. Our tentative idea is for this event to take place around the anniversary of Lily's delivery to be held in her memory. Funds raised will go toward the Trisomy 18 Foundation to help with research, support, and awareness. I'll definitely continue to report any developments with this as things progress.
I'm feeling optimistic as some of my initial ideas have been transformed into reality. It is definitely exciting for me to be a part of something that feels so much bigger than just me and my family. It's about the community and the many other babies, mothers, fathers, grandparents, and family members who have experienced a similarly life changing circumstance. Thank you to those of you who shared your thoughts and ideas. You all encouraged me and gave me hope!
I have participated in a number of 5K events so I am always up for that. The most notable events have been for Christopher Mull. There is a huge BBQ and bouncys and music. It is great for kids. I'll bet you would have a lot of people particpate if you do this. And I would volunteer to help you get this up and going.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mary! I was thinking you would be a good one to talk to about this. You definitely know more about the run/walks than I do! I'll keep you updated, and would love any help that you are willing to offer!
ReplyDeleteWendy, I looked at the pictures first and thought, "those look like some pretty things." Then I thought, "what are those?" Theeeennnnn, "Oh! Wendy got some pictures taken before I did!" (Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake.) Thanks for posting them and your kind words. Karen
ReplyDeleteLet me know if your pics are better- I couldn't seem to get a great one with everything together. One of these days, hopefully, we'll sneak an hour to have a lesson!
ReplyDeleteI show you what I get--I have to wash the clothes first. I imagine that with all the different colors, it would be hard to get one picture with everything in it---but I thought this one was good even with that obstacle. Karen